
Eye of the Storm

Story by Haruto Miyazaki

Eye of the Storm

"In Pursuit of the Tempest" is a rare glimpse into the thrilling, dangerous, and critical world of storm chasers and meteorologists, led by Haruto Miyazaki, a seasoned storm tracker from Japan. Haruto's life revolves around tracking and documenting extreme weather events like typhoons and cyclones. However, this project isn't simply about chasing storms. It explores the intersection of human curiosity, relentless pursuit of knowledge, and the palpable impact of climate change.

Haruto's dedication is a testament to our incessant need to comprehend the world around us, a world that's increasingly marred by extreme weather. His pursuit is a reminder of the escalating climate crisis and its effects on our planet, both through the violence of storms and our attempts to predict and cope with them.

The project captures Haruto's journey, from moments of calm before the storm to the heart of the tempest, exploring the chaos, fear, excitement, and fascination that comes with it. It illustrates not just the harrowing reality of our changing weather but also the human audacity to face it head-on.

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Haruto Miyazaki

About the photographer

Haruto Miyazaki is a highly respected Japanese storm chaser, meteorologist, and photojournalist, who has been documenting and pursuing extreme weather conditions around the globe for over 20 years. Born and raised in Nagoya, Japan, Haruto was always fascinated by the unpredictable dance of the elements. His passion led him to the prestigious Tohoku University, where he earned a degree in meteorology. However, his academic pursuits never quelled his innate sense of curiosity and desire for hands-on experience.

In 2003, Haruto joined a storm-chasing group, combining his academic knowledge with a more practical and exciting pursuit. He quickly realized that he was not just intrigued by the science of weather but also its raw, unfiltered beauty and destructive power. This realization marked the beginning of his journey into photography. He sought to capture the tempest's grandeur, the calm before the storm, and the aftermath - the narratives that only a camera lens could tell.

Over the years, Haruto's work has taken him to the most hurricane-prone regions worldwide, including the coasts of Florida and the Philippines, the tumultuous Caribbean Sea, and typhoon-battered parts of his homeland, Japan. His photographs not only capture the atmospheric phenomenon's raw energy but also human emotions - fear, thrill, anticipation, and resilience. His work has been featured in numerous publications, including National Geographic, The Guardian, and Time Magazine.

In addition to storm chasing, Haruto also teaches meteorology at the University of Tokyo. He believes that his experiences and knowledge should be shared with the younger generation to increase awareness about our changing climate. He is also an advocate for climate change policies and serves on the board of the Japan Meteorological Society.

Despite his impressive accomplishments, Haruto remains a humble and driven individual. He insists he is not an adrenaline junkie. Instead, he argues that his work aims to draw attention to the changing climate and its consequences. He firmly believes that understanding these extreme weather events is a crucial step towards creating sustainable solutions for the future.

His unique work, "In Pursuit of the Tempest," is a reflection of this belief. Through his lens, Haruto brings us face-to-face with the brutal reality of extreme weather, reminding us that these events are not anomalies but signs of a changing world. His project is a journey of exploration and understanding - a testament to his dedication and passion for studying, capturing, and combating the impacts of climate change.

Photos in this series

Haruto Against the Sky: Haruto stands against a looming, stormy sky. The composition is a contrast between the dark clouds and Haruto's solitary figure in the foreground. The menacing clouds are lit with occasional flashes of distant lightning, highlighting Haruto's grim determination. Eye of the Storm: An aerial view of a cyclone over the sea, with Haruto's ship barely visible. The lighting is dim, with the menacing storm overshadowing the tiny vessel. The swirling pattern of the storm, both chaotic and beautiful, dominates the frame. Inside the Hurricane: Haruto is in the midst of a hurricane, struggling against the rain and wind. The low angle emphasizes the overpowering nature of the storm while Haruto is backlit, illuminating the rain and debris flying around him. Calm Before the Storm: Haruto is shown preparing his equipment, a weather map visible in the background. The lighting is soft and calm, emphasizing the impending contrast of the storm. Haruto is in sharp focus, his focused eyes hinting at the anticipation of the upcoming chase. Chasing the Tempest: A dynamic shot from the car shows Haruto driving into the storm. The composition plays with perspective, focusing on Haruto’s concentrated face reflected in the rear-view mirror, and the storm brewing in the background through the windshield. Aftermath: This photo captures the devastation post-storm, with Haruto standing amid the debris. The early morning light cuts across the frame, casting long shadows. Haruto is shown in profile, contemplating the destruction, highlighting the stark reality of the storm's aftermath.