
The Hunter and The Hunted

Story by Cassio Pereira

The Hunter and The Hunted

A photo essay by Brazilian photographer Cassio Pereira has won third prize in the world press photo 2023 Photo Contest. The winning photos depict life in the Amazon rainforest, and provide a glimpse into the lives of those who call it home. This is the second time that Cassio has won a world press photo award. In 2020, he won first prize in the same contest for his series "The Hunter and The Hunted", which documented the conflict between indigenous people and illegal miners in Brazil's Amazon rainforest.

We congratulate Cassio Pereira on his third prize win in the world press photo 2023 Photo Contest, and we look forward to seeing more of his work in the future. The winning photo essay by Brazilian photographer Cassio Pereira depicts life in the Amazon rainforest, and provides a glimpse into the lives of those who call it home. The photos offer a rare insight into the day-to-day reality of living in one of the world's most remote and biodiverse regions.

Cassio's work focuses on social and environmental issues in Latin America, and his series "The Hunter and The Hunted" won first prize in the same contest back in 2020. This latest photo essay gives us an even more intimate look at life in the Amazon, highlighting both the beauty and challenges of this unique place.

We hope that these amazing images will help to raise awareness about the importance of preserving this vital ecosystem, not just for its inhabitants but for all of us – after all, we are all connected to this magical place.

Cassio Pereira is a freelance photographer based in São Paulo, Brazil. His work has been featured in a number of publications, including The New York Times, TIME Magazine, National Geographic, and Newsweek. This is the second time that Cassio has won a world press photo award – we congratulate him on his third prize win and look forward to seeing more of his stunning work in the future! Visual description of the 6 photos: The winning photo essay by Brazilian photographer Cassio Pereira comprises six photos that provide a glimpse into the lives of those who call the Amazon rainforest home. The first image in the series shows a young boy paddling a canoe downriver, with lush green foliage towering overhead. The second photo depicts two women working together to haul in a net full of fish, while the third captures an elderly man tending to his plants. In the fourth photo, we see children playing games near their homes made from materials scavenged from the forest floor. And in the fifth and sixth images, we witness some of the many animals that make their home in this unique environment – including snakes, monkeys and butterflies. These stunning photos offer a rare insight into the day-to-day reality of living in one of the world's most remote and biodiverse regions, and provide an important reminder of the importance of preserving this vital ecosystem.

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Cassio Pereira

About the photographer

Cassio Pereira is a freelance photographer based in São Paulo, Brazil. His work has been featured in a number of publications, including The New York Times, TIME Magazine, National Geographic, and Newsweek. This is the second time that Cassio has won a world press photo award – we congratulate him on his third prize win and look forward to seeing more of his stunning work in the future!

Photos in this series