
The Bakken Oil Boom

Story by John Anderson

The Bakken Oil Boom

John Anderson's project documenting the culture and landscapes of North Dakota's Bakken oil fields has won the 2022 Weird Press Photo award in the Long Term Project category. This is a major win for Anderson, who has been working on this project for several years. The images in the project offer a unique and intimate look at the people and places involved in the Bakken oil boom.

The Weird Press Photo Foundation is an international non-profit organization that promotes the free exchange of news and information.

The award is a recognition of the high quality of Anderson's work, and his commitment to documenting this important story. Why is this project relevant: The project is relevant because it captures an important moment in American history – the Bakken oil boom. The images offer a rare and intimate look at the people and places involved in this event, which had a major impact on the economy and culture of North Dakota.

The project is also relevant because it highlights the work of an important photographer. John Anderson is a talented and dedicated artist, who has won numerous awards for his work. This latest award is a testament to his skill and commitment to documenting important stories.

The project is also relevant because it is an example of the high quality of work that can be found on the Weird Press Photo website. The site is a valuable resource for anyone interested in photography, and it features some of the best photographers in the world.

Description of photo 1: The photo shows a man standing in front of an oil well. He is wearing a hard hat and has his arms crossed. The background is blurry, but it appears to be a desert landscape.

This photo captures the intense heat and danger of working in the Bakken oil fields. The man in the photo looks tired and dirty, but he also looks proud – he knows that he is doing important work. This photo gives us a glimpse into the lives of the workers who make this boom possible.

Description of photo 2: Thephoto shows a group of people sitting around a table outside an RV. They are all smiling and laughing, and there are bottles of beer on the table in front of them.

This photo captures the sense of camaraderie among those who have come to North Dakota to work in the Bakken oil fields. These workers have left their homes and families behind, but they have formed close bonds with each other as they face challenges together. This photo gives us a glimpse into their lives – how they relax after long days spent working in harsh conditions.

Description of photo 3: The photo shows a man standing in front of an oil well at night. He is illuminated by the light from the well, and his shadow is cast on the ground behind him.

This photo captures the eerie beauty of the Bakken oil fields at night. The man in the photo looks small and insignificant compared to the vastness of the landscape around him. This photo gives us a glimpse into how these workers see their work – as something that takes them away from their homes and families, but also as something that has its own strange kind of beauty.

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John Anderson

About the photographer

John Anderson is a photographer based in North Dakota. He has won numerous awards for his work, and he is the author of two books – The Bakken Boom: An Oilfield Story and The Mississippi River: A Photographic Journey.

Anderson's project documenting the culture and landscapes of North Dakota's Bakken oil fields has won the 2023 Weird Press Photo award in the Long Term Project category. This is a major win for Anderson, who has been working on this project for several years. The images in the project offer a unique and intimate look at the people and places involved in the Bakken oil boom.

Photos in this series